Youth Leadership Team

Title: St Luke’s Youth Leadership Team

To empower and equip the young people of our congregation with leadership and the opportunity to serve and make decisions.

Responsible to:
Erin Klein and Susan Johnson

Description of Duties:
All persons in YLT are role models for the rest of the group. They are expected to act responsibly and with maturely at all youth events. It is also expected that youth who hold positions in SLY YLT will remain active in the youth group throughout the school year and make every attempt to be present at all SLY YLT meetings. Roles and responsibilities vary from publicity to hospitality to mission planning.

Time Requirements:
Monthly meetings and additional miscellaneous responsibilities.

One Year (but may apply each year)

Training and Resources:
Ongoing leadership training during the year

Skills and gifts:
Energy, Creativity, Passion, Motivation, Enthusiasm, Maturity, a call to serve

Benefits to one serving in this role:
Ownership & Opportunity
Leadership development

Completed by/date:
Erin K. 8/25/11